Developer forums (C::B DEVELOPMENT STRICTLY!) > CodeCompletion redesign

observation on memory consumption

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280: Where are your patches?

I don't care, just show us which lines are at fault...

Rick, you will be delighted to hear that the memory leak has nothing to do with code completion :)
Code completion takes up so much RAM that the actual leaks (which are a lot smaller) are not immediately visible at all.

The most surprising observation when sampling the application's memory without code completion is that the amount of allocated memory actually rises by a good amount when you close a project!

I have been quite puzzled by that observation for a while, but I found out why: It is the start here page.
Apparently, a new page is allocated every time it is shown (and it is never freed). I'll look into the code tomorrow. Too tired to do that now, wouldn't want to break something... :)

Yay! Thanks! :)

Do any of the three core developers run Codeblocks on linux routinely?  If they do I would suggested putting Codeblocks through valgrind, I will try to do this tonight. My guess is it won't be so pretty.  One problem though is that wxWidgets itself has some small memory allocation errors, which happers the error finding processs. 


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