This is a bit tricky...
sadly i don't know any ui to do this. @dev: Is there any?
You have to edit the project file by yourself:
1) Make a copy of the target project file
2) Copy all needed files (xrc, cpp, h, wxs) to the right locations
3) Open the start project file with a editor (notepad++ or notepad)
4) Copy the the right line from the Extensions->wxsmith part:
<code_completion />
<envvars />
<debugger />
<lib_finder disable_auto="1" />
<wxsmith version="1">
<gui name="wxWidgets" src="fdgfdhgfApp.cpp" main="fdgfdhgfDialog" init_handlers="necessary" language="CPP" />
<wxDialog wxs="wxsmith/fdgfdhgfdialog.wxs" src="fdgfdhgfMain.cpp" hdr="fdgfdhgfMain.h" fwddecl="0" i18n="1" name="fdgfdhgfDialog" language="CPP" />
<wxDialog wxs="wxsmith/NewDialog.wxs" src="NewDialog.cpp" hdr="NewDialog.h" xrc="NewDialog.xrc" fwddecl="0" i18n="1" name="NewDialog" language="CPP" />
to the target project file in the same location
for example if you want to add the dialog
NewDialog.wxs to the new project copy the line
<wxDialog wxs="wxsmith/NewDialog.wxs" src="NewDialog.cpp" hdr="NewDialog.h" xrc="NewDialog.xrc" fwddecl="0" i18n="1" name="NewDialog" language="CPP" />
5) Save project file and open it in codeblocks
6) Add all files to the target project via the codeblocks ui
hope this helps