Author Topic: First Project - trying to get my head around it all :)  (Read 2687 times)

Offline BobM

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First Project - trying to get my head around it all :)
« on: July 11, 2016, 05:43:12 am »

I am a complete beginner...................

I have opened an existing project  CGP-Library.cbp from

I have ended up with a project with 12 examples (c code) + src + header

Somehow I have managed to build and run the "gettingStarted.c" example

However, when I try to run a second example, say "createDataSet.c" it cannot find a target for this file

I also seem to have created a file called gettingStarted.exe which sits in the folder with the other CGP files

If somebody could walk me through the procedure where I can go through all 12 examples, one at a time, successfully, I would be delighted

Thank you

Bob M