Author Topic: [SOLVED] koolplot: merging several functions expressions to one graph  (Read 3266 times)

Offline Glxblt76

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Dear Code::Blocks users and developers, :)

I'm looking for the right platform to ask my question but it turns to be quite difficult. It concerns the koolplot plugin implemented in Code::blocks EP, which enables to print graphs easily from C code. More information >> here <<.

My question is simple. How to specify to koolplot functions a "spline" function, that is, a function which follows different expressions in different ranges? For example, from x=-6 to x=-4, I want a kind of minus inverse function, then from -4 to -3 I want a linear function, and from -3 to 0 I want a constant function (horizontal line). How to specify such thing to Plotdata or whatever so it displays only one function with these 3 behaviors?

I tried to put several functions and to use breakplot, but I couldn't specify the range in which each function is defined, so for example I had the minus inverse function, the linear function and the horizontal line superimposed from -6 to 0.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  :)
« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 08:16:24 pm by Glxblt76 »

Offline Glxblt76

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Trying to look for the answer myself, I found the solution to this problem. The solution was to use only one function, and generate manually all points using a function that I defined myself, then to append all points to the koolplot function. The code looks like this:

My user defined function:
double ts_f_ln_c(double x, double tension_surface_cmc, double cmc, double pc20)
    /*all variables declarations and constants calculations*/

    if(x < log(cmc/1000.0)/2.303)
        if(x < -pc20)
                 y = /*something of minus inverse type*/;
                y = /*something of linear type */;
        y = /*something constant*/;
    return y;
And the koolplot part in my main:
    /**kooplot graph of function with three different expressions**/
    plotdata x, y;
    for(i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i ++)
        x_graphe[i] = 0.0;
        y_graphe[i] = 0.0;
        x_graphe[i] = log(cmc/1000.0)/2.303 - 4.5 + 6.0 / 1000.0 * i;
        y_graphe[i] = ts_f_ln_c(x_graphe[i], tension_surface_cmc, cmc, pc20);
    insert(x, x_graphe, 1000);
    insert(y, y_graphe, 1000);
    axesBotLeft(x, y, log(cmc/1000.0)/2.303 - 4.5, 20);
    axesTopRight(x, y, log(cmc/1000.0)/2.303 + 1.5, 80);
    plot(x, y);

So I consider this topic as SOLVED  :)
« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 08:15:37 pm by Glxblt76 »