excellent work of clarification.
Happy New Year 2016.
Best regards.
Thanks. Open development is about scratching an itch. I refer to the compiling from source page often, so I had a vested interest in overhauling it.

The other two pages I've touched, how to use a nightly - lightly, and installing and configuring MinGW for Code::Blocks - heavily, are tightly coupled with the first page so those three I've done. I've poked around in other parts of the Wiki but I won't let myself significantly modify a page unless I understand what is behind it. So, I'm kind of searching for the next page at the moment.

The Wiki is more extensive than it would seem at first glance but unfortunately there also appears to be a lot of information rot in it. There's a lot there but it just doesn't seem to have been kept up-to-date.
A model of an excellent Wiki is the:
Arch Wiki. If the Code::Blocks Wiki could reach half the comprehensiveness of the Arch Wiki then it would be a true jewel to behold. That would be more than a one-person effort however, any volunteers?

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