Thanks all for the feedback, I have started a
todo list.
Definitely lots of performance issues to take care of. Most of these will be mitigated by switching to a threaded model, however, I do not plan to attempt that until all major single-threaded crashes are dealt with (no need to complicate problems).
A few specific responses:
3- The '.' and '->' kicks in for almost everything like 'for./->' 'int./->' 'some_class_name./->' even when typed on their own and the list consists of almost everything too.
Hmm, I never noticed it before; I shall be working on resolving that.
- The (parsing?) delay also occurs pretty often when I'm editing headers. When I want to type a new member function, I get a delay of 1 - 2 seconds every 2 characters.
Working editing headers disables clang's internal caching ability, so that is why the delay is even more noticeable. (This delay is unacceptable for real work; I am thinking on how to best resolve it.)
The same crash.
I made a simple wxFrame project and after i added a button on frame and set OnClick event for button... [...]
I will be looking more in depth to try to reproduce this crash on my machine (probably this weekend, or sooner if time allows). Could you also post (an archive of) a minimal project that causes the crash?
All feedback/ideas/bug reports/feature requests welcome. I may not be able to respond to each point, but the more ideas, the better
