Author Topic: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.  (Read 64801 times)

Offline killerbot

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The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
« on: November 21, 2015, 02:05:39 pm »
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The 21 November 2015 build is out.
  - Windows :
  - Linux :

The current SDK version is : 1.29.0

Resolved Fixed:

  • new version of crash handler (exchndl): more resiliency against truncated PE files and log message when loading symbols
  • project options manipulator plugin: support replacements of (existing) custom vars, based on patch #253 by bluehazzard
  • astyle plugin: fixed saving some options did not work, based on patch #183 by Li Minggang
  • astyle update to v2.0.6pre (required due to license change)
  • Header Fixup plugin: applied patch #235: Partial STL completion by Morwenn
  • applied patch #102 wxSmithPlot plugin fix by wekn eve iknvwnv
  • applied patch #147 'Add file(s)' doesn't account for all generated files for all target's compilers by scarphin
  • fixed serious bug #249 Custom build commands broken by nonsensical quotes (macros handling)
  • assign CRTL+P to the "Print" command by default (why wasn't this the case in the first place?!)
  • updated to (wx)scintilla v3.6.2, still no joy...

Regressions/Confirmed/Annoying/Common bugs:

    Offline eckard_klotz

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #1 on: December 01, 2015, 02:10:38 pm »
    Hello All.
    I'm missing the compiler options for the build suite of normal not CPU specific gnu gcc. If I change the compile  for example to a microsoft or borland compiler the option pane is full of check-boxes but once I change back to gnu the pane is empty again. CPU specific gnu compilers are showing the options also.

    It is the same, if I try to edit the options not for the project but in the compiler-settings over the settings nenu.

    There is a note that I should right click to set-up or edit the compiler options but nothing happens.

    This happens with this build of code-blocks but also with older ones (I tested it back until revision 10528) on win 8.1.
    I have attached my default.conf

    I hope this is just a bug between my ears so thanks for your tips.

    Best regards,

    Offline eckard_klotz

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #2 on: December 01, 2015, 04:18:15 pm »
    Hello again.

     In the meanwhile I have tested it on win 7 and there this problem does not occur.

    Best regards,

    Offline qtreez

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #3 on: December 01, 2015, 07:34:12 pm »
    Windows 7
    When CB is runned with privileged rights I can't open source files by drag and drop nor by context menu.
    With context menu following message box is showed:
    "Another instance of CB is running..."
    not occuring when disable UAC.

    #2 less annoying
    #include<limits> vs #include <limits>
    With first case (no whitespace) in editor, in context menu, option Open "filename_of_header.h" is not visible. Also with " ". limits header is only sample, not single case.
    « Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 08:01:41 pm by qtreez »

    Offline eckard_klotz

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #4 on: December 01, 2015, 08:17:17 pm »
    Hello again.

    After some searching I found the following post,19196.msg131342.html#msg131342.

    Thus I searched for the file "options_gcc.xml" and changed its extension from ".xml" to "._xml_". After this change the compiler-options for the gnu-compiler are visible again;

    the attached zip-file contains the file "options_gcc.xml".

    As "Sagaceil" i have duplicated the compiler configuration in  the compiler-settings to use a DW2 installation of the gnu compiler also. After copiing it I renamed it and changed the executables. I hope you will find some details about in the "default.conf" attached before.

    Best regards,

    Offline raynebc

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #5 on: December 01, 2015, 11:53:50 pm »
    Windows 7
    When CB is runned with privileged rights I can't open source files by drag and drop nor by context menu.
    With context menu following message box is showed:
    "Another instance of CB is running..."
    not occuring when disable UAC.
    This is a Windows limitation.

    Offline oBFusCATed

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #6 on: December 02, 2015, 04:35:39 am »
    As "Sagaceil" i have duplicated the compiler configuration in  the compiler-settings to use a DW2 installation of the gnu compiler also. After copiing it I renamed it and changed the executables. I hope you will find some details about in the "default.conf" attached before.
    Can you try to execute the same steps again and see if you can reproduce the problem?
    (most of the time I ignore long posts)
    [strangers don't send me private messages, I'll ignore them; post a topic in the forum, but first read the rules!]

    Offline eckard_klotz

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #7 on: December 02, 2015, 10:19:18 am »
    Hello oBFusCATed.

    Sorry I tried but I failed.

    • In a first step I renamed the folder CodeBlocks in my User\AppData\Roaming Folder to force C::B to create a new one.
    • Than I opened C::B and copied in the settings the configuration of the GNU GCC Compiler and renamed the copy to GNU GCC Compiler DW2.
    • After that I rerouted the root-folder of the compiler manually
    • Finally I searched new executables, since in a DW2 installation the binaries-names end with -dw2.

    Between every step I closed C::B and opened it again to check when the effect occurs. But nothing happened. Furthermore the new roaming folder contains no compilers folder animore.

    It was long ago when I added the new build-suite, so it may be that an older release created the defect and since I didn't changed the compiler-options after that until now, I have not recognized what happened. But I think I have still nearly all older Nightlies. So If you know until which revision this changes result in an folder named compilers in User\AppData\Roaming I may try it out with that version.

    Unfortunately after my yesterdays post I pressed the wrong button, when Windows asked me to install Win10, what means now I have no Win 8.1 animore. But after changing to Win10 the failure was still present and I renamed the file options_gcc.xml after installing Win10 to solve the problem.

    To reproduce the failure I also tried some other reconfigurations of the compiler but also without reproducing the effect.
    Sorry for being not helpful. But perhaps the analysis of my both files may give you a hint what kind of manipulation may be worth to try it out. In this case please tell me. 

    Best regards,
    « Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 10:26:54 am by eckard_klotz »

    Offline Scr3amer

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #8 on: December 04, 2015, 12:07:18 am »
    Hello guys,

    I am back for some news : I might confirm some bugs I suspected one month ago.

    By the way, I had this compiler flags pane bug too with Win8.1 x64 Pro and the nightly of October. I did not play with compilers with the last nightly so no bug yet.

    For the bugs I suspected, it concerns CC and MinGW auto set macros. I will say bug but maybe I am wrong and I just misused the IDE.
    First Bug
    I use MinGW 4.9.2 x86 dw2 POSIX (the one with Qt) but these bugs happens even with other versions (like the 4.7.1 TDM) and the build I use is 10595.
    When I set a project to be C++11 in build options, i check the C++11 flag in the root build options.
    But when I start to write __cpluplus and use CC, it says that the value is still 199711L so the c++11 features are not present in CC.
    I tried to save the project, reparse it or even close and reload the project. The bug is still here.

    The only workaround I found is to close C::B and restart the whole software to have the right value 201103L, the good macros conditions and have c++11 features in CC.

    Second bug
    When I use predefined macros, CC does not process properly the conditions.
    It says for example that __WIN32__ = 1 or __WIN32 = 1
    but when I write
    #ifdef __WIN32

    The foo is still grayed, disabled. (of course the compilation works fine). But this time I did not find a 'good' workaround. I have to redefine the macro in custom defines tab, which is ugly :p ... And I have to close-reopen the project so that CC take in account the new defines.

    Here are the screens for the C++11 issue but as you can see it is a more general bug with macro definitions, I will add screens for __WIN32 in another answer as we are limited to 2 screens per post :

    Offline Scr3amer

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #9 on: December 04, 2015, 12:08:40 am »
    The win32 bug screenshots, macros exist, have a value (which implies they are defined) but still grayed ...
    « Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 12:10:14 am by Scr3amer »

    Offline Scr3amer

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #10 on: December 04, 2015, 12:12:11 am »
    I forgot something, there is another tiny bug but an easy workaround : sometimes the CC popup is cropped, but you just have to reopen it to fix that.

    Offline Andy356

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #11 on: December 08, 2015, 10:06:29 pm »
    Hi. I just updated to the latest nightly from Jens' Debian repo. The moment I did and ran Codeblocks, a message appeared saying:

    One or more plugins were not loaded. This usually happens when a plugin is built for a different version of the Codeblocks SDK. Check the application log for more info.

    List of failed plugins:

    This is confusing, because both this and the last nightly state that the current SDK version is 1.29.0

    What should I do? I don't know how to check the application log.

    Offline linuser42

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #12 on: December 10, 2015, 12:32:30 am »
    One or more plugins were not loaded. This usually happens when a plugin is built for a different version of the Codeblocks SDK. Check the application log for more info.

    List of failed plugins:

    I have the same warning when opening, I'm using builds from, on Ubuntu MATE 15.10

    Offline Jenna

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #13 on: December 10, 2015, 06:21:48 am »
    Hi. I just updated to the latest nightly from Jens' Debian repo. The moment I did and ran Codeblocks, a message appeared saying:

    One or more plugins were not loaded. This usually happens when a plugin is built for a different version of the Codeblocks SDK. Check the application log for more info.

    List of failed plugins:

    This is confusing, because both this and the last nightly state that the current SDK version is 1.29.0

    What should I do? I don't know how to check the application log.
    Which revision is it ? 10611 ?
    I will look into it as soon as possible.
    Can you start C::B from a console with the -v switch, to get a more meaningful error-message ?

    Offline Jenna

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    Re: The 21 November 2015 build (10595) is out.
    « Reply #14 on: December 10, 2015, 07:50:01 am »
    [Which revision is it ? 10611 ?
    I will look into it as soon as possible.
    The actual revision on my server (10611) works fine on my jessie VM.