Regarding caching PCH files, is there a good Code::Blocks location where I should place these? Some infrastructure, or is wxStandardPaths::GetTempDir good enough ?
Do you really mean precompiled headers, or is it supposed to be a code parser database (like .sdf in Visual Studio)? As for the latter I'd prefer to keep the corresponding information in memory. And you can make an option to store it periodically on disk at a user-defined location. GetTempDir is a good default for such a location.
Btw. how is it going with integrating the plugin into codeblocks-contrib?
For PCH, it seems like I can save a whole Translation Unit into a PCH file. Not really useful for code-completion, but for operations like 'go to implementation', 'go to declaration', 'show references' to work efficiently, it's better to have ALL files parsed into AST trees. Obviously we can't assume users will always have enough memory to store that in memory, especially for pretty large projects. So for example 'goto implementation', it would first look in any TU in memory, if it can't find it, it would go into a slower mode and open each PCH file one by one and see if it can find what it's looking for.
For codeblocks-contrib, not sure if I am going to do this immediately, I think the plugin needs restructuring first. I want to split the plugin into pieces:
1. ClangLib, just updating its internal database, parsing documents as they are loaded&changed and governing the threads for doing the tasks it publishes in its public API
2. ClangCC using ClangLib API, it will perform CodeCompletion and associated settings nothing more
3. ClangToolbar using ClangLib API, it will allow a toolbar with class & method name
4. ClangCodeRefactor using ClangLib API, it will allow context-menu's to lookup declaration, implementation and maybe higher level code refactoring stuff like reference searching and symbol renaming