Hi, thanks for the contribution.
Apply the patch, and rename your test file to "ccc_type_alias.cpp", then run cc_test, I get such result:
Testing in file: F:\cb_sf_git\trunk\src\plugins\codecompletion\testing\ccc_type_alias.cpp
-PASS: DDD. m_bbb
-PASS: CCC::cs. m_bbb
-PASS: BBB. m_aaa
-PASS: AAA. m_aaa
Total 4 tests, 4 PASS, 0 FAIL
In the mean while, the content of the ccc_type_alias.cpp is loaded to the control (or you can open that file from Menu->file->open)
Run "Test single" just run the test code in the editor control, I get such result:
Testing file in edit control
-PASS: DDD. m_bbb
-PASS: CCC::cs. m_bbb
-PASS: BBB. m_aaa
-PASS: AAA. m_aaa
Total 4 tests, 4 PASS, 0 FAIL
Note, ccc_*.cpp(only one ccc_*.cpp is parsed, so you only need one ccc_*.cpp in the folder) has much precedence than cc_*.cpp. The logic here is that this can used to test a single test file, because testing all the cc_*.cpp takes a lot of time, especially we have TRACE enabled when building cctest.
Hope the above helps. Thanks.