Thomas just closed (threw out) my 'bug' report:"...IDE built specifically to meet the most demanding needs of its users"
Guess I'm too demanding then. I need my IDE/compiler to be fairly compatible with other compilers (MS).
C::B + MinGW comes so close.
Here's my 'bug' report again for posterity:
#include with quotes doesn't work for relative paths
#include "../../foo.h" does not compile in C::B.
In many cases this effectively prevents a clean compile
after importing a MSVC project/workspace, see
TDragons's (first) reply: propose compiling in the source file directory (where
the .c/cpp file is located), rather than in the .cbp
If this breaks (too) many things, please consider this
a feature request:
A compile option (checkbox) such as "Compile this file
inplace (where the .c/cpp file is located)" would be
- Adding include paths to everything and the kitchen sink is impractical, makes for (even) slower compilations, makes moving to C::B more of a hassle than necessary
- This particular problem might very well be considered a bug in/shortcoming of gcc, but still, I believe that the job of the IDE is to shield the user from (most) antics of compiler X, to take the drudgery out of software development.