Author Topic: Linking IMSL libraries  (Read 4120 times)


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Linking IMSL libraries
« on: May 18, 2015, 08:51:32 pm »

My research group uses compaq visual fortran at the moment for research, however as it only runs in windows XP or XP mode, I am planning on rewriting all code in the codeblocks fortran IDE.

Does anyone know if it is or will be possible to link the IMSL fortran numerical libraries? Specifically the DLSLXG, DLSARG, DGMRES linear systems solvers? I believe the libraries can be obtained from RogueWave.

I am still learning quite a bit, especially about code migration, so apologies in advance for any novice questions/statements. Thanks! Cheers :)

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Re: Linking IMSL libraries
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2015, 08:57:34 pm »
This is question that could be answered by your compiler vendor or the vendor of the libraries you want to use.

C::B is just an IDE that executes the compiler and allows the user to enter code and options.
And it allows the use of many different compilers.
(most of the time I ignore long posts)
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