Author Topic: Current status?  (Read 17096 times)

Offline kai

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Current status?
« on: July 25, 2006, 02:44:21 pm »


what's the current status of the redesign? how far is it from being included in trunk? is it worth getting and testing it from svn?


Offline MortenMacFly

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Re: Current status?
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2006, 03:06:38 pm »
what's the current status of the redesign? how far is it from being included in trunk? is it worth getting and testing it from svn?
It's going on and on. Especially Thomas is working hardly on this (you might have noticed that he didn't work a lot on the main trunk recently) and several steps have already achived. However - it will take some more time. How long exactly I can't tell, but I can tell you: It's going to rock! ;-)
With regards, Morten.
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