I see the recent changes in rev 10189 and rev 10194, debugged a little, I think the predefined macros in our CCDebugDialog is wrong.
bool NativeParser::AddCompilerPredefinedMacrosGCC(const wxString& compilerId, cbProject* project, wxString& defs, ParserBase* parser)
Compiler* compiler = CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(compilerId);
if (!compiler)
return false;
if ( !parser->Options().platformCheck
|| (parser->Options().platformCheck && compiler->SupportsCurrentPlatform()) )
TRACE(_T("NativeParser::AddCompilerPredefinedMacrosGCC: Not supported on current platform!"));
return false;
Do you think there should be a
! after
Also, if user don't want that platform check, do we need to "return false;"? I think in this case, we should run the old logic, or maybe, we need to remove the line: