I take this program, test.c:
int main(){ }
and compile with the command line:
$/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/CodeBlocks/MinGW/bin/mingw32-gcc.exe -Wall test.c
Then the following warning message shows:
test.c:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
This is all very well. However, when I compile the same code in Code::Blocks (v.10.05) it says "0 errors, 0 warnings". I do think this deserves a warning message, and it should show since CodeBlocks uses the same compiler as I did at the command line call.
I have checked the -Wall square at three locations:
The first two by going in to the menu bar: Project > Build options...
To the left I mark "Debug" and check the -Wall-square
and then I, to the left, mark the "root" and check the -Wall-square
Finally I once more go to the menu bar: Settings > Compiler and debugger...
and again I check the -Wall-square.
What more is necessary to make the warning show up?
Some warning messages show up anyway, but somehow not all those that should.