Author Topic: wxFormBuilder, C++ in Code::Blocks 13.12 - how to display main form designer?  (Read 11808 times)

Offline kathbeau

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I gather from reading posts here that some developers choose wxFormBuilder over wxSmith, so I want to try it. (I have been playing with wxSmith, mostly following the tutorials and trying to get some basic form inheritance going for an MDI app. I like it, but want to try other GUI frameworks before I commit to anything.)

However, all I can do is use the wizard to generate project files and build them. I can manually add widgets by editing the .cpp and .h file, but I want to use a designer.

Are there tutorials or good getting-started docs for wxFormBuilder in Code::Blocks?

I'm developing for both Windows and Linux, in C++.

I'm very confused.


Offline oBFusCATed

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Neighter wxSmith, not wxFormBuilder are GUI frameworks. They are just tools that generate cpp code or xml xrc files for the wxWidgets GUI framework.
I doubt you'll find any wxFormBuilder tutorials here. Probably try their site?
(most of the time I ignore long posts)
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Offline boya

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I am glad to find that you and I have similar experience. I came to know wxFormBuilder (wxFB) just one month ago, so I would like to share what I know with you.
wxFormBuilder is not a plug-in, but a stand-alone application. You should first download and install it:

As oBFusCATed said, wxFormBuilder is a code-generating tool. The wxFB project file ends with .fbp, which you can find in the project created by CodeBlocks wizard. You should open it with wxFB (which might have been the default application for that type in Windows after the installation). Then you will see the similar GUI designer.
Generally, wxFB is used to create a base class for all GUI-related codes and generate a derived class to be modified for action and response. Once the apperance is modified, the base class should be re-generated. Even if the derived class is to be updated, its contents will be kept. The major difference between wxFB and wxSmith may be that wxFB separates action code from the user interface.
When you finish the code, just build and run it in CodeBlocks as you use wxSmith.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 03:40:39 am by boya »
Code in Blocks

Offline kathbeau

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Neighter wxSmith, not wxFormBuilder are GUI frameworks. They are just tools that generate cpp code or xml xrc files for the wxWidgets GUI framework.

oBFusCATed, thank you for the clarification.

Boya, thank you for explaining how wxFormBuilder is to be used. I'll install it today, and will see if I can track down some instructions to get me started.

And yes, I'll take my questions over to a wxWidgets board. I started here simply because the Code::Blocks wizard offered the creation of a wxFormBuilder project, and seemed to present a development environment for it.



Offline boya

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Update on Dec. 4th
  If you find the Chinese tutorial web page difficult, you may use a on-line translator, like
// The end of Update

Boya, thank you for explaining how wxFormBuilder is to be used. I'll install it today, and will see if I can track down some instructions to get me started.

Actually it is not difficult to explorer the usage of wxFB, especially you have been familiar with wxSmith. They have similar user interfaces.
I also tried to find some guides, and eventually got a blog article in my native language - Chinese, which may be inconvenient for you:

If you have any questions about wxFB, I am pleased to discuss with you. You can contact me by email, Skype or QQ.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 03:03:33 am by boya »
Code in Blocks