I just tested your two patches.
1, patch handling array of function pointer, this works fine! I also add the test case to our cctest.
2, patch handling typedef pointers. I have some questions:
$3 = {m_FullType = L"foo1*", m_BaseType = L"foo1", m_Name = L"foo1Ptr", m_Args = <g_strEmpty+12> L"", m_BaseArgs = <g_strEmpty+12> L"", m_AncestorsString = <g_strEmpty+12> L"", m_FileIdx = 1, m_Line = 9, m_ImplFileIdx = 0, m_ImplLine = 0, m_ImplLineStart = 0, m_ImplLineEnd = 0, m_Scope = tsUndefined, m_TokenKind = tkTypedef, m_IsOperator = false, m_IsLocal = true, m_IsTemp = false, m_IsConst = false, m_IsNoExcept = false, m_IsAnonymous = false, m_Index = 248, m_ParentIndex = -1
, m_Children = std::set with 0 elements, m_Ancestors = std::set with 2 elements = {[0] = 245, [1] = 247}, m_DirectAncestors = std::set with 2 elements = {[0] = 245, [1] = 247}, m_Descendants = std::set with 0 elements, m_Aliases = wxArray<T>, m_TemplateArgument = <g_strEmpty+12> L"", m_TemplateType = wxArray<T>, m_TemplateMap = std::map with 0 elements, m_TemplateAlias = <g_strEmpty+12> L"", m_UserData = 0x0, m_TokenTree = 0x9a7d020, m_Ticket = 504}
$1 = {m_FullType = L"foo1"
, m_BaseType = L"foo1", m_Name = L"foo1Ptr", m_Args = <g_strEmpty+12> L"", m_BaseArgs = <g_strEmpty+12> L"", m_AncestorsString = <g_strEmpty+12> L"", m_FileIdx = 1, m_Line = 9, m_ImplFileIdx = 0, m_ImplLine = 0, m_ImplLineStart = 0, m_ImplLineEnd = 0, m_Scope = tsUndefined, m_TokenKind = tkTypedef, m_IsOperator = false, m_IsLocal = true, m_IsTemp = false, m_IsConst = false, m_IsNoExcept = false, m_IsAnonymous = false, m_Index = 248, m_ParentIndex = -1, m_Children = std::set with 0 elements, m_Ancestors = std::set with 2 elements = {[0] = 245, [1] = 247}, m_DirectAncestors = std::set with 2 elements = {[0] = 245, [1] = 247}, m_Descendants = std::set with 0 elements, m_Aliases = wxArray<T>, m_TemplateArgument = <g_strEmpty+12> L""
, m_TemplateType = wxArray<T>, m_TemplateMap = std::map with 0 elements, m_TemplateAlias = <g_strEmpty+12> L""
, m_UserData = 0x0, m_TokenTree = 0x9a6aa20, m_Ticket = 504}