I determined that the file libwxmsw30u.a was missing from the C:\wxWidgets-3.0.2\lib\gcc_dll directory, so I copied and pasted it from another pc with wxWidgets & CodeBlocks which operates and builds as properly.

Are you kidding me?
Sollution for cannot find -lwxmsw30ud (or lwxmsw31ud, lwxmsw32ud, lwxmsw33ud for the future)
OK! I assume that your wxWidgets 3.1.0 project is opened now in codeblocks
and before you compiled wxWidgets 3.1.0 on your computer
In menu click ->
Project -> Build options....In
Project build options window select
Debug (Select compiler -> GNU GCC Compiler)
Linker settings -> (in Policy select -> Prepend target options to project options)
Link Librarias select
lwxmsw30ud and click
Edit button, then change name for
lwxmsw31ud click OK then again
Link Librarias click button
Add and type
libshlwapi.a click OK then again
Link Librarias click button
Add and type
libversion.a click OK then again
Other link options paste
Project build options window select
Release (Select compiler -> GNU GCC Compiler)
Linker settings and in
Link Librarias select
lwxmsw30u and click
Edit button, then change name for
lwxmsw31u click OK
then click OK closing window
In Menu click ->
Settings -> Global variablesIn
Global variable editor window select
base select folder where your wxWidget is installed usually C:\wxWidgets
include select folder inlude in your wxWidget folder, usually C:\wxWidgets\include
lib select folder lib in your wxWidget folder usually C:\wxWidgets\lib
and that's it

you don't have to dig a hole using a spoon. I hope i helped