Author Topic: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test  (Read 69357 times)

Offline killerbot

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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2006, 07:36:29 am »
I will create every weekend such a Win9x ansi build.
For the nightly I first want to automate a little bit more, since now I need to manually change and merge the cbp files. Will write a little proggie for it.


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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2006, 05:52:53 pm »
Why don't you create a Win9x compatible unicode build?

I've been build from SVN that way from some months ago.
If you need more help feel free to ask.


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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2006, 06:00:16 pm »
I've created a batch file to automate the task, if you find it useful feel free to use it:

@echo off

REM This batch requieres the following Windows free software:
REM * A Code::Blocks capable of building latest SVN HEAD
REM * TortoiseSVN
REM * 7-zip

set CB_HEAD_PATH=D:\Develop\src\codeblocks-head\codeblocks-svn
set SEVENZIP_PATH=C:\Archivos de programa\7-Zip
set TORTOISESVN_PATH=C:\Archivos de programa\TortoiseSVN\bin

echo Checking the latest revision before updating...
echo $WCREV$ > rev-before-update.log
"%TORTOISESVN_PATH%\SubWCRev.exe" "%CB_HEAD_PATH%" "%CURRENT_PATH%\rev-before-update.log" "%CURRENT_PATH%\rev-before-update.log"
if not errorlevel 0 goto FAILED

echo Running svn update...
"%TORTOISESVN_PATH%\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:update /path:"%CB_HEAD_PATH%" /notempfile /closeonend:1
if not errorlevel 0 goto FAILED

echo Checking the latest revision after updating...
echo $WCREV$ > rev-after-update.log
"%TORTOISESVN_PATH%\SubWCRev.exe" "%CB_HEAD_PATH%" "%CURRENT_PATH%\rev-after-update.log" "%CURRENT_PATH%\rev-after-update.log"
if not errorlevel 0 goto FAILED

echo Compiling Code::Blocks itself...
"%CB_HEAD_PATH%\src\output\codeblocks.exe" --build "%CB_HEAD_PATH%\src\CodeBlocks-NewBuild.cbp" > "%CURRENT_PATH%\build.log"
echo FIXME codeblocks errorlevel: %errorlevel%

echo Running update script...
cd "%CB_HEAD_PATH%\src"
call "%CB_HEAD_PATH%\src\update.bat"
if not errorlevel 0 goto FAILED

echo Compressing with 7-zip...
"%SEVENZIP_PATH%\7z.exe" a "%CURRENT_PATH%\codeblocks-svnbuild.7z" "%CB_HEAD_PATH%\src\output\*" -r -mx9 -sfx[7zC.sfx]
if not errorlevel 0 goto FAILED

echo The build has completed.
goto END
echo The build has failed.


Offline killerbot

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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2006, 07:05:29 pm »
I already had nearly something like that ready.
But a build like this is not usable yet on win9x, you need the unicows stuff, and there might be legal problems with that one (see some other threads I started about win98 etc ...)!!!

But will continue to work on it though.


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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2006, 07:25:44 pm »
libunicows is perfectly legal (both the MSLU one of microsoft and the opensource one), it only loads at runtime, either the dependency of microsoft (unicows.dll), or the opensource reverse enginered by mozilla (opencow.dll). Wich both are perfectly legal also.

The only time it will be illegal if is you distribute unicows.dll by microsoft without the redist package (ie. you put the dll directly). Anyways a lot of programs use it in Win9x so chances are that it will be installed beforehand.

You know the app poEdit? It's for translating gettext catalogues. The program is written in wxWidgets, and it's distributed in Unicode with libunicows. It works in any Windows. Imagine if you have Win9x and wants to do translations without unicode, it's a pain.

For more details see

Appart, it's a lot better to link with libunicows instead of MSLU directly, because you don't have to include the entire platform sdk and those kind of things.

Here's all you need in a DevPak:

Offline killerbot

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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2006, 07:28:15 pm »
now we need to convince Thomas and Yiannis ;-)

would be nice to have one uild that serves all windows (no no not 3.11)


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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2006, 07:31:05 pm »
Well, first make an Unicode build linked with unicows, so a few users of Win9x can test it. :)

Be sure to check that your setup.h haves wxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU = 1.

version 0.5 of libunicows, a compiler-independent open source
implementation of MSLU import library, was released and is available
for download from Precompiled
binaries for Visual C++ and Mingw32 are included (help with other
compilers is wanted).

MSLU (The Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/ME Systems) is
a compatibility layer that makes it possible to run Unicode
applications on Windows 9x systems (previously, Unicode APIs were
only available on Windows NT/2000; see for
details). Necessary runtime DLLs can be downloaded from

MSLU requires that you use a special statically-linked import library
that is currently only provided for Microsoft Visual C++ and only as
a part of the (rather large) new Platform SDK. Libunicows addresses
both of these problems by being small and available in source code

wxWindows 2.3 contains MSLU support and works with libunicows (VC++
makefile and configure-generated makefile for Mingw32 can both use
it). Libunicows is used in two wxWindows projects: poEdit
( and Unicode build of wxPython

Best regards,
Vaclav Slavik
« Last Edit: January 11, 2006, 07:36:45 pm by Takeshi Miya »

Offline duncanka

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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2006, 05:51:54 am »
Well, first make an Unicode build linked with unicows, so a few users of Win9x can test it. :)

Be sure to check that your setup.h haves wxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU = 1.
I just tried this for myself, building from the latest SVN (1804), and it was kind of a disaster.  I built wxWidgets the usual way, with the exception that I enabled MSLU support, and linked CB against it.  When I ran the program, it did load up properly (though for some reason, I had to specify the program's own directory using the --prefix option for this to work).  But the program I got was very crippled.  For one thing, I cannot see the editor.  It just doesn't appear when I open a file, even though the title bar and the status bar both indicate an open file.  Additionally, dragging a dockable pane invariably results in an immediate crash.  A stack trace always reveals Opencow.dll at the end of the trace, or Unicows.dll if I use the Microsoft implementation, though I have no idea if this means MSLU is at fault.
(I've attached a copy of Dr. Mingw's error report from the wxAUI pane-dragging crash.)
Where did I go wrong??!  :( :?  Help, anyone??

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2006, 06:10:41 am »
On what OS are you testing?

Offline mandrav

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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2006, 08:41:35 am »
But the program I got was very crippled.  For one thing, I cannot see the editor.  It just doesn't appear when I open a file, even though the title bar and the status bar both indicate an open file.  Additionally, dragging a dockable pane invariably results in an immediate crash.

Whenever you see layout-related errors, try deleting your active layout (or switch to another one if you have).
"View->Layouts->Delete current".
Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...

Offline duncanka

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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2006, 10:16:52 pm »
On what OS are you testing?
Sorry, should've mentioned that...I'm using Windows 98SE.

But the program I got was very crippled.  For one thing, I cannot see the editor.  It just doesn't appear when I open a file, even though the title bar and the status bar both indicate an open file.  Additionally, dragging a dockable pane invariably results in an immediate crash.

Whenever you see layout-related errors, try deleting your active layout (or switch to another one if you have).
"View->Layouts->Delete current".
I tried this, and it helped for a short time.  The "Start here" page appeared when I reverted to the built-in default layout, and I could open files in the editor.  But I still keep getting a lot of random crashes, and the "Start here" page doesn't always go away when I open a project.  At least it's more or less usable, though.  Still, I think I may just stick with my old ANSI SVN version (the one posted earlier in this thred).  For some reason, the MSLU-enabled compilation just seems too unstable.

Offline killerbot

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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2006, 10:25:51 pm »
this weekend I will create a new specific ansi build !!

Offline duncanka

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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2006, 12:37:09 am »
this weekend I will create a new specific ansi build !!
:D :D
Is there anything special involved, other than just changing the unicode suffix and removing the unicode #define?

Offline tiwag

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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2006, 12:39:09 am »
Is there anything special involved, other than just changing the unicode suffix and removing the unicode #define?
you need a wxWidgets ansi build  :)

Offline duncanka

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Re: WIN98/9x/others build : registry settings test
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2006, 12:44:13 am »
Is there anything special involved, other than just changing the unicode suffix and removing the unicode #define?
you need a wxWidgets ansi build  :)
Right, obviously.  8)  I meant from the C::B end of things.