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Dear BerliOS Users,for more than ten years, the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS operates the berliOS platform. Simultaneously with the foundation a collaborative development platform for Open Source software was provided. More than 50,000 users have registered since then. The platform supports a number of world-wide recognized projects in the development of Open Source software.The rapid development in Open Source and the increasing availability of alternative development platforms (such as GitHub, SourceForge, Google Code, etc.) are now occasion for the berliOS founders to reconsider the alignment of berliOS. A reorientation had already indicated in the past two years and was accompanied by promising ideas. On January, 29th 2014 a new berliOS portal will be launched providing information on the subject of »Open Source Software« reachable under www.berlios.de.The reorientation and associated closure of the highly frequented development platform for April, 30th 2014 makes it necessary to migrate the on berliOS hosted projects to other platforms. When migrating your project-specific data we would like to help. To support the migration, berliOS has arranged a cooperation with one of our long-term partner. The development platform »SourceForge« will provide adequate capacity for the acquisition of berliOS projects and perform the migration, to the extent desired by the respective project managers. At the beginning of 2012, a cooperation between berliOS and SourceForge was agreed to enable the downloading of project files over the mirror network of SourceForge. In the context of this cooperation SourceForge has supported us by implementing method for the massive synchronization of files, project information and metadata and ad hoc procedure to migrate individual projects were carried out. In this context berliOS welcomes the fact that the software of the SourceForge platform was accepted by the Apache Foundation as an Incubator project and thus even becomes a freely available open source software. For these berliOS projects that do not want to migrate to SourceForge, information will be provided how the project-specific data can be get out of berliOS (http://developer.berlios.de/docman/display_doc.php?docid=2056&group_id=2) and saved.The new berliOS portal is dedicated to a wider public as a contact point for questions around the topic of Open Source Software and provides more extensive base of knowledge and information on various application examples. One result of the reorientation of berliOS is the recently agreed cooperation with the »Joinup« platform of the European Commission in order to offer an advanced project search facility. This function referenced on projects for public administrations in Europe and enables users to specific search. Furthermore, the new portal offers a searchable directory of organizations, initiatives and projects in the Open Source environment. For missing directory entries, it will be possible that these are themselves complemented by berliOS users. Take advantage of the new portal, true to the motto “Discover Open Source”. Spread the open source idea, for example as part of your sales activities or for purposes of public relations. Network yourself within Europe using ber liOS and find the relevant open source organizations, initiatives and projects.The topic of Open Source Software is attended by Fraunhofer FOKUS and the Competence Center for Public IT (ÖFIT) which is funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior.We thank all those who have used BerliOS in the past years and look forward to further cooperation!As part of the restructuring, we are at your disposal as a contact person to advise you. For your questions please contact us per email on info@berlios.de.Fraunhofer FOKUSwww.fokus.fraunhofer.deCompetence Center Public ITwww.oeffentliche-it.deberliOS – Discover Open Sourcewww.berlios.deinfo@berlios.de
No, why? They offer a already implemented migration to SourceForge which is perfect for us. So lets see if this actually woreks, but if so, we can seamlessly migrate to SF w/o the hassle of converting the databases ourselves.
I've gotten this emsil (maybe it differes from yours?)
Do we have a current full dump of Code::Blocks' BerliOS data (tickets, etc.)?
Note, if anyone is interested, I did quick* webscrape of the BerliOS site: CB_Mirror_30_4_2014.tar.lzma (1.6 MB)*meaning it only captured easily spidered pages - not any closed tickets, etc.
It looks like there is still no way to import berlios' tickets to sf's. See:BerliOS Developer: Importing from BerliOS
Quote from: ollydbg on May 02, 2014, 04:20:55 amIt looks like there is still no way to import berlios' tickets to sf's. See:BerliOS Developer: Importing from BerliOSThat is too bad.So - before we loose more time I'd say its time to close the BerliOS bug and patch tracker and open the one on SF.OK?
Bugs: https://developer.berlios.de/export/bug_dump.php?group_id=5358Patches: https://developer.berlios.de/export/patch_dump.php?group_id=5358-> Note: You need to login to BerliOS BEFORE you can see the content.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!DOCTYPE bs_bugs SYSTEM "http://developer.berlios.de/export/bs_bugs_0.1.dtd"><bugs> <error>You are not an administrator for this project</error></bugs>
Quote from: MortenMacFly on May 02, 2014, 09:23:25 amSo - before we loose more time I'd say its time to close the BerliOS bug and patch tracker and open the one on SF.OK?I totally agree!!
So - before we loose more time I'd say its time to close the BerliOS bug and patch tracker and open the one on SF.OK?
Quote from: MortenMacFly on May 02, 2014, 09:11:10 amBugs: https://developer.berlios.de/export/bug_dump.php?group_id=5358Patches: https://developer.berlios.de/export/patch_dump.php?group_id=5358-> Note: You need to login to BerliOS BEFORE you can see the content.And your login must also be a project admin... Quote from: https://developer.berlios.de/export/bug_dump.php?group_id=5358<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!DOCTYPE bs_bugs SYSTEM "http://developer.berlios.de/export/bs_bugs_0.1.dtd"><bugs> <error>You are not an administrator for this project</error></bugs>