I recently switched from C::B 12.11 to V13.12. Now my wxLED items stopped working. Code::Blocks generates the following code:
Alarm1 = new wxLed(PageDiag,ID_LED1,,,,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize);
I noticed that the interface for the wxLED somehow changed. The old version used Enable() to switch the LED on and off. The new version uses dedicated SwitchOn/Off() functions. So my led.h/cpp seems to be outdated. Where can I get the current version? C::B Help-About says it was built using wx2.8.12. Is this correct? I use wx2.9.4 which doesn't include the contrib item sources. I searched the web but "wxLED" or "wxWidgets contrib items" gives only the outdated results I already have.
Anyway, regardless of the version "new wxLed(PageDiag,ID_LED1,,,,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize);" is no valid C syntax. What can I do to fill the gaps?