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#if (0xBABAD7D6 != '汉字')
Assertion failed!Program: D:\ProgramC\CodeBlocks\codeblocks.exeFile: sdk\wxscintilla\src\scintilla\lexlib/CharacterSet.hLine: 83Expression: val >= 0For information on how your program can cause an assertionfailure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)
when i type chinese char into the textbox, like this:Code#if (0xBABAD7D6 != '汉字')
textbox is where i input the source code, cb Build: Nov 25 2012, 09:32:38 - wx2.8.12 (Windows, unicode) - 32 bit, version is Release 12.11 rev 8629