Hello Everybody.
After 4 years of refactoring the first milestone having the next major release is nearly reached. The completely new developed Moritz2 presents with the demo-version 8 its first release-candidate (under
https://www.moritz.sourceforge.net or
https://www.sourceforge.net/projects/moritz/ use “Browse All Files”).
Most of the features already known from the older Moritz1 are still available:
1. Generation of Nassi-Shneiderman diagrams based on HTML.
2. Control of the diagrams by using special commands inside of comments.
Furthermore new features are available:
1.Generation of uml-like activity-diagrams based on dot(
http://www.graphviz.org ).
2.Support of more programming-languages (C/Cpp, Python, Matlab, Pascal)
Another new feature is an own parser. Thus Moritz can be used independently from other tools to generate its output. Furthermore the xml-output created by the parser represents the parser-tree of the source in other words the algorithm and not the document-structure.
The new release contains one windows-distribution and one linux-distribution together with documentation-files (please use “Browse All Files” and ignore the download-proposal).
To use Moritz for different source projects an user-project is available, that contains only the needed output-folders and templates for the basic configurations. It should be copied near to the source-project and combined with the distribution (please refer the page „User-Project “ of the documentation)
If you want to build the binaries (abc2xml and xml2abc) by your self, you will find the sources of xml2abc in the current release of Moritz and the sources of abc2xml in the current release of its partner-project MuLanPa (under
https://www.mulanpa.sourceforge.net or
https://www.sourceforge.net/projects/mulanpa/ )
If you have questions or doubts you will find in both projects forum-places:
https://sourceforge.net/p/moritz/bugs/Even the development has reached a nearly stable point this means not that it is perfect. Thus please don't hesitate to use the forum.
One of the next steps for me will be to start the development of the Code::Blocks plug-in to support the use of the simple user-project like promised before. But since I’m new in writing plug-ins for C::B and in parallel I still have to do some work in finishing the release please be patient.
Best Regards,
Eckard Klotz.