Good to clear things up, and I agree with that vision of the "compiler framework redesign".

It would be good if you could also clear up what are your other goals for C::B.
I mean, in what direction the project will you want to put effort. Do you want to make C::B more like DevC++ (lightweight and with basic features), or would you like more the Eclipse approach (powerful and big, with lot's of plugins, and handling any language, not only C/C++).
And that is the most important, will it be all-centered on C/C++, or will support right from the start any language (I mean for example, if I want to support Java, will not have to write an entire new compiler plugin, instead I'll use the common things that have the compilers, and write only the differences).
If you want C::B become that way (equal support to any language), the KDevelop guys have come with a great solution, separating all the languages in 2 categories: compiled, and scripted languages.
Well, all of that resumes to:
Would you like C::B haves a
KISS framework?
Would you like it to have a Powerful (as in Eclipse) framework?
Or something else perhaps, not yet decided?
What I'm referring is no more than a project Roadmap/Goals, so things are clear up from the start.

I only wonder towards where the best IDE out there will be geared :wink: