Author Topic: batch codecompletion test framework  (Read 12303 times)

Offline ollydbg

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batch codecompletion test framework
« on: February 19, 2013, 03:56:44 am »
Hi, with some further work of the post:
Intergrate the nativeparser_base to our parsertest project

Here is the initial patch. The main change is:

1, NativeParserTest contains a ParserBase instance
2, a ParserBase class contains a TokenTree for Parserthread to fill
3, the test case was in the source file (in the last section of the file, all the test cases begin with C++ style comment), see cctest_function_decls.cpp in the patch.
4, I remove the cc_test class, I think their function should be moved to NativeParserTest class
5, The limitation is currently the test case is all in global namespace

Result from the test log message:
  Testing in file: cctest\cctest_function_decls.cpp
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 2 "g_S."
GetNextCCToken() : at 2 (g): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 5 (.): res=g_S
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 5 (.): res=g_S
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 5 "  g_S."
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 5 "g_S"
GetCCToken() : Left ""
Find 1 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 0 "S"
GetNextCCToken() : at 0 (S): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 1 (
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 1 (
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 1 "S"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 1 "S"
GetCCToken() : Left ""
Find 1 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
  PASS:   g_S.  i
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 2 "g_"
GetNextCCToken() : at 2 (g): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 4 (
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 4 (
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 4 "  g_"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 4 "g_"
GetCCToken() : Left ""
Find 1 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
  PASS:   g_  g_S
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 2 "tc.Vo"
GetNextCCToken() : at 2 (t): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 4 (.): res=tc
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 4 (.): res=tc
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 4 "  tc.Vo"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 4 "tc"
GetCCToken() : Left "Vo"
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 0 "Vo"
GetNextCCToken() : at 0 (V): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 2 (
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 2 (
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 2 "Vo"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 2 "Vo"
GetCCToken() : Left ""
Find 1 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 0 "TheClass"
GetNextCCToken() : at 0 (T): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 8 (
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 8 (
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 8 "TheClass"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 8 "TheClass"
GetCCToken() : Left ""
Find 2 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
Find 2 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
  PASS:   tc.Vo  Void
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 2 "tc.St"
GetNextCCToken() : at 2 (t): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 4 (.): res=tc
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 4 (.): res=tc
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 4 "  tc.St"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 4 "tc"
GetCCToken() : Left "St"
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 0 "St"
GetNextCCToken() : at 0 (S): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 2 (
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 2 (
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 2 "St"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 2 "St"
GetCCToken() : Left ""
Find 1 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 0 "TheClass"
GetNextCCToken() : at 0 (T): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 8 (
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 8 (
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 8 "TheClass"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 8 "TheClass"
GetCCToken() : Left ""
Find 2 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
Find 2 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
  PASS:   tc.St  StaticVoid
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 2 "tc.GetC"
GetNextCCToken() : at 2 (t): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 4 (.): res=tc
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 4 (.): res=tc
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 4 "  tc.GetC"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 4 "tc"
GetCCToken() : Left "GetC"
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 0 "GetC"
GetNextCCToken() : at 0 (G): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 4 (
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 4 (
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 4 "GetC"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 4 "GetC"
GetCCToken() : Left ""
Find 1 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 0 "TheClass"
GetNextCCToken() : at 0 (T): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 8 (
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 8 (
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 8 "TheClass"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 8 "TheClass"
GetCCToken() : Left ""
Find 2 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
Find 1 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
  PASS:   tc.GetC  GetClass
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 2 "tc.GetI"
GetNextCCToken() : at 2 (t): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 4 (.): res=tc
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 4 (.): res=tc
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 4 "  tc.GetI"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 4 "tc"
GetCCToken() : Left "GetI"
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 0 "GetI"
GetNextCCToken() : at 0 (G): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 4 (
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 4 (
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 4 "GetI"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 4 "GetI"
GetCCToken() : Left ""
Find 1 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
FindCCTokenStart() : Starting at 0 "TheClass"
GetNextCCToken() : at 0 (T): res=
GetNextCCToken() : Done nest: at 8 (
GetNextCCToken() : Return at 8 (
GetCCToken() : FindCCTokenStart returned 8 "TheClass"
GetCCToken() : GetNextCCToken returned 8 "TheClass"
GetCCToken() : Left ""
Find 2 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
Find 1 valid text matched tokens from the tree.
  PASS:   tc.GetI  GetInt

Patch is in the attachment.

Comments are welcome! Thanks.

If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline ollydbg

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Re: batch codecompletion test framework
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2013, 07:13:44 am »
An modified patch, new tests were added. the result is below, the main change is: adjust the GCC/wx path for pcx's mingw 4.6.3.
  Testing in file: cctest\cctest_function_decls.cpp
  PASS:   g_S.  i
  PASS:   g_  g_S
  PASS:   tc.Vo  Void
  PASS:   tc.St  StaticVoid
  PASS:   tc.GetC  GetClass
  PASS:   tc.GetI  GetInt
  PASS:  str.  size
  PASS:  str.  length
  FAIL:  vt[1].  GetInt

Look, it seems it fails on some test of std::vector.

EDIT: remove a debug code, and update this patch.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 07:20:57 am by ollydbg »
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline ollydbg

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Re: batch codecompletion test framework
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2013, 11:57:15 am »
Update to the batch_test_for_codecompletion_v2.patch
Currently, the default file: cc_function_decls.cpp is used for testing.
The contents of cc_function_decls.cpp is below:
#include <string>
#include <vector>

extern "C"
  double ExternallyC(double* my_double, std::vector<int> int_vec)
    // nothing
    return 1.0;

class TheClass
                  TheClass  ()                   { ; }
  virtual        ~TheClass  ()                   { ; }
  int             GetInt    (size_t idx) const   { int i=0; return i; }
  const TheClass* GetClass  (const TheClass& tc) { return this; }
  static void     StaticVoid()                   { ; }
  void            Void      (void* pVoid)        { ; }

extern int ExternInt(TheClass* the_class, int my_int);

int InternInt(TheClass* the_class, int my_int)
  // nothing
  return 42;

void VoidFunction(void* my_void_pointer, int my_int)
  // nothing

std::string GetString(TheClass* the_class, const std::string& in_str)
  std::string str(in_str);
  return str;

const float& ConstFloatRef(void)
  // nothing
  static float f = 0.0;
  return f;

static int StaticInt(const int& in_int)
  // nothing
  int i = 1;
  return i;

struct S
  int i;
S g_S;

TheClass tc;
std::string str;
std::vector<TheClass> vt;

// str.   //size,length
// tc.GetI   //GetInt
// tc.GetC   //GetClass
// tc.St     //StaticVoid
// tc.Vo     //Void
// g_       //g_S
// g_S.     //i
// vt[1]. //GetInt

Please look at the last lines of the file:
// str.   		//size,length
// tc.GetI   //GetInt
// tc.GetC   //GetClass
// tc.St     //StaticVoid
// tc.Vo     //Void
// g_       //g_S
// g_S.     //i
// vt[1]. //GetInt

These are the test cases, the grammar is quite simple, E.g.
// str.   		//size,length
The string between the double backslash is the statement "str.", it is expected that the user put the caret after the statement, and press the CTRL+SPACE key to let the CodeCompletion plugin to list the auto suggestion list.
The string after the second double backslash is the match cases. In the above example, the auto suggestion list should/must contains "size" and "length". If yes, then this test case passes, otherwise, this test case failed.

You can change the test case in the cc_test's wxScintilla control, and press "parse" button again to run the new tests.

Currently, all the parsing messages are logged out, so if you are parsing a cpp file which contains an include file, then all the include files will be parsed recursively(this is the correct way of parsing a cpp file as a normal compiler does), in such cases, you get thousands of log messages. :)

Comments are welcome.
BTW: the attachment is in git format(generated from Tortoisegit/msysgit), because I'm currently maintain a local git branch to implement this feature.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 05:34:00 pm by ollydbg »
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline ollydbg

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Re: batch codecompletion test framework
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 09:07:34 am »
FYI: the new cc test framework is in trunk now, rev 9644.
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.