Hey all,
a few days before i started with coding for the AVR microcontroller, they are nice integrated in c::b, but i couldn't find a plug in to bring the source file in the controller.
So i hade to use avrdude, like the most guys i guess. There are some nice gui's out there like Burn-O-mat, but i don't want to leave my ide all the time to burn the controller.
So i started to wrote a cbavrdude, which will be handy like the Burn-O-Mat.
It was written, wo burn the controller, each time a AVR project is compiled successfully.
U can configure it like the Burn-O-Mat:
i hope i can integrate that u can start the burning manuel and read/write/set of fuses, but i'm some kind of busy at the moment.
the svn link is: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/cbavrdude/code-0/trunk
the projekt is at:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/cbavrdude/maybe it would be nice, if i could put the log output on the "bulid code" logger, but didn't find a way to get the log there, can someone help me there ?
and if someone has nice ideas for images