Next update, now all newly added functionalities are disabled by default. To enable them you have modify your config file manually.
<colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
<colour r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<colour r="0" g="0" b="255" />
These lines enables documentation helper, and sets colours used in generated html document.
This one enables functionality described in my previous post - if you use autocomplete in global scope or inside class declaration then arguments' types and names will be added.
<SORT_CRITERION1 int="2" />
<SORT_CRITERION2 int="1" />
<SORT_CRITERION3 int="6" />
<SORT_CRITERION4 int="5" />
<SORT_CRITERION5 int="7" />
<SORT_CRITERION6 int="8" />
<SORT_CRITERION7 int="4" />
<SORT_CRITERION8 int="0" />
By the way I also added possibility to sort autocomplete list. You can use up to 8 sort criteria. Lower criterion number means higher priority (SORT_CRITERION1 has highest priority). Argument's specify how auto complete list will be sorted. Possible values and its meanings:
enum Criterium
CMP_SCOPE = 1, // compare by token's scope
IS_LOCAL = 2, // compare by Token::m_IsTemp: checks if token is local variable
CMP_NAME = 3, //compare by token's name
CMP_KIND = 4, //compare by token's kind with order defined by Token::m_TokenKind value; don't use this comparator with lower priority than IS_FN, IS_VAR, IS_CLASS, IS_NS
IS_FN = 5, // compare by token's kind: checks if token is function
IS_VAR = 6, //compare by token's kind: checks if token is variable
IS_CLASS = 7, // ... is it class
IS_NS = 8, // ... is it namespace
And if you set criterion to "0" (NO_CRITERION) all criteria with lower priority will be disabled, so to sort only by token's name simply set SORT_CRITERION1 to "0".
edit: those tags should be sub-nodes of <code_completion> node.
edit2: Changes in project files are not included in patch, so remember to add doxygen_parser.* files to project.