Hello, yes thank you, I already know that, I'm not blocked because of that, I'm a "newcomer" on the forum but I've been using codeblocks since 2008.
What I'm asking for is to make "o" the default for SDCC object files because "rel" has been totally irrelevant for months.
So instead of having to change that on each and every new codeblocks setup (I'm following the nightlies so that's more often that you think), it would be nice to integrate the fact that, yes, sdcc has indeed changed "rel" to "o" for object files a long time ago, so "rel" in this place is useless.
as a supplementary annoyance, I have to restart codeblocks to take the new setting into account, which (of course) almost always happens when I have already 10 opened files in the editor.