The attached patch should (hopefully) satisfy everyone. It moves configuration to a more logical spot, adds the option to completely disable, and functions more conservatively (only keys that add text, and specific navigation keys that I have enumerated, are detected).
If you use arrow keys while the cursor is off screen, it should still probably scroll to make the cursor visible, but I'd guess that's functionality built more into the core of the IDE instead of a plugin?
Yes, that is in the core.
Sorry, but I don't see it in 8579 and I have EditorTweaks plugin enabled. This seems like a rather strange place to add such a feature:)
Well, if a fixed bug refuses to come back, I do not see anything to complain about
(this might have something to do with an operating system specific way of sending keyboard events... this bug had been noticeable on my Ubuntu).
I put it in EditorTweaks because this function did not seem like a core requirement, and it is a tweak to how the editor acts. Is there somewhere else you suggest it be put?
(Note to self: whenever adding a new feature, no matter how nice, always make sure it can easily be disabled.)