Developer forums (C::B DEVELOPMENT STRICTLY!) > CodeCompletion redesign

Progress with SearchTree class

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So this is a kind of fast, searchable Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)?  Do you have your parser generate an AST and then build a SearchTree instance in order to the code completion from?

No, it's not for an abstract syntax tree ( ), it will only hold the token names. Actually, I just wanted to optimize the addition of tokens :lol:

But this tree will hopefully be used in code completion, to search for all the tokens with a certain prefix.

Here's the results, part deux ;-)

I added some items, and then queried the contents of the tree.

The following " => " sequences are the results of the queries.

--- Code: ---'physics' => ' 1 - uno'
'physiology' => ' 2 - dos'
'psychics' => ' 3 - tres'
'psychotic' => ' 4 - cuatro'
'paranormal' => ' 5 - cinco'
'psychiatrist' => ' 6 - seis'
'psychiatrists' => ' 7 - siete'
'psychi' => ' 8 - ocho'
'ghosts' => ' 9 - nueve'
'paranormals' => '10 - diez'
'blah' => ''
Adding item: blah => bleh
'blah' => 'bleh'
'' => 'this is the root node :P' (I did this to test if i
could add a value to the empty string)
'psychic' => '' (Notice that here even when 'psychic'
is contained in the tree, it doesn't have a corresponding  item)

Clearing tree...

'' => 'this is the root node :)'
(i assigned this after clearing the tree)
'physics' => ''
'physiology' => ''
'psychics' => ''
'psychotic' => ''
'paranormal' => ''
'psychiatrist' => ''
'psychiatrists' => ''
'psychi' => ''
'ghosts' => ''
'paranormals' => ''
'blah' => ''
1 items in the tree
- "" (0)

--- End code ---

It seems to work, alright. I'll upload the zip now. I think I'm ready now to start working on the codecompletion improvements :)

In case anyone's interested, the name for this type of structure is a "trie" (an odd abbreviation of "retrieval"). I had built one a few days ago for this same purpose, though without serialization functionality. Hmm...maybe I'll templatize it...

If I'm seeming to hijack all the threads in this forum, it's just your imagination.

Good news everybody! I'm testing Code::Blocks with the NEW Search Tree! :)

In my dad's machine (I'm on vacations), parsing time (for codeblocks-newbuild) goes down from 4.75 to 1.895 seconds, that's 2.5 times faster! :D

So far, everything seems stable, but I'm having a little problem. Whether I use the new class or not, enabling "follow global includes" seems to shut down Codeblocks in the middle of the parsing. Has it happened to any of you? (Windows, ANSI)


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