H Members,
I am a long time computer user and constructed my own “Dual” Pentium III computer back in 2001. I have coded web pages in the past and briefly attempted to learn the "C" programming language a few years ago. I am attempting a more disciplined approach this time and have downloaded Code::Blocks and enjoying the first introduction lessons.
I am currently using Code::Blocks in a windows environment (win2k and win7) and soon I will be installing Debian using a dual boot and will be using it along with windows as my Linux distro
I recently discovered a Code::Blocks tutorial called WxSmith tutorial for creating the "Hello World" that would result in a GUI application. See here:
http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=WxSmith_tutorial:_Hello_worldThe problem is getting past step 1. The tutorial begins by saying:
Before we start, you must either compile wxWidgets or download precompiled binaries and header files. These steps are described on the wiki pages mentioned here:
Windows users should see the wiki page:Compiling wxWidgets 2.8.6 to develop Code::Blocks (MSW) or Installing Code::Blocks from source on Windowsor WxWindowsQuickRef. There are two ways to install the wxWidgets libraries, You can download the wxWidgets source and compile it yourself, or you can download the wxPack from [1] and install it. The wxPack contains a pre-compiled wxWidgets library, so you can save a lot of time by that route.
I have no idea how to accomplish this as a lot of the words and terminology are foreign to me. I understand what compiling is but the install process for wxWidgets seems daunting. Below are further links that branch off the above tutorial link that go further and explain the install process. See here:
http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Compiling_wxWidgets_2.8.6_to_develop_Code::Blocks_%28MSW%29http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Installing_Code::Blocks_from_source_on_Windowshttp://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=WxWindowsQuickRefI am studying and reading all the above links but it’s a tough road for a newbie. I would appreciate any help or further links on getting this installed so I can begin the WxSmith tutorial “Hello World”.
Thank you kindly