User forums > Using Code::Blocks
Debug report has been generated... ?!
I have started Code Blocks today (last successful event: automatic installation of Code Blocks 8395 from a repository) and I got a window which informed me that a debug report has been generated in the directory /tmp/blahblah. I was warned by the message that I should not press Cancel because I would hinder the Code Blocks improvements. So I pressed OK and Code Blocks qutted immediately. I tried repeatedly with the same result, I only generated more reports.
What is it all about? Should I have commanded "Cancel"? This phenomenon is completely new to me. Debian Squeeze, 32-bit, Code Blocks 8395. I am posting one of the reports.
Try to remove (or rename) ~/.codeblocks/cbKeyBinder10.ini.
It looks like a crash in the keybinder-plugin.
If that does not help remove or rename )for backup purposes) the default.conf in the same directory.
Thanks, Jens. Hiding cbKeyBinder10.ini allowed me to start a project. Then I redid editor's key bindings and saved, quitted and restarted Code Blocks. All seems to work so I suppose the crashing has gone. Radek is a happy user of Code Blocks again :)
Fixed SVN 8403
Pecan: Is it possible that this,16835.0.html crash is caused by the same problem?
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