Author Topic: New Project wisard creates .rc. and WxWizFrame.fbp file in a CBs template dir  (Read 7423 times)

Offline MasterAlexei

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Hello every one.
I am using now build SVN 7929 (Updt. from Windows)
and after creating a new wxWidgets project, the wizard has asked me if I want to overwrite the .rc and .fbp files in a CodeBlocks\share\CodeBlocks\templates\wizard\wxwidgets\ directories.
Earlier it does put this files into projects directory.
Is there some settings to make, to point the right directories for that wizard (I did enter the right directory for my project)?
« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 01:32:49 pm by MasterAlexei »

Offline oBFusCATed

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What version of C::B are you using?
I've seen this with self compiled C::B (using autotools) on linux, but I've not bothered to debug it.
(most of the time I ignore long posts)
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Offline MasterAlexei

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Oh. Sorry, It's windows version, self compiled from SVN rev7929

Offline Radek

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Strange. Unless I am mistaken, the *.fbp file is a wxFormBuilder project file but Code Blocks does not use wxFB. It has its own resource editor, which uses *.wxs files. Code blocks should have nothing common with *.fbp files. Where to store *.fbp and wxFB output files should be decided by wxFB.

Are you using wxFormBuilder?

Offline MasterAlexei

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Yes, I am using wxFormBuilder.
All I did is just created new Project:
File->New->Project...->wxWidgets project.
As Preferred GUI builder I select wxFormBuilder, Frame Based, then some other options, and as I click finish, it ask to confirm, that CodeBlocks\share\CodeBlocks\templates\wizard\wxwidgets\rc\resource.rc file will be overwritten,
then CodeBlocks\share\CodeBlocks\templates\wizard\wxwidgets\wxfb\frame\GUIFrame.cpp will be overwritten,
then CodeBlocks\share\CodeBlocks\templates\wizard\wxwidgets\wxfb\frame\GUIFrame.h will be overwritten, and
CodeBlocks\share\CodeBlocks\templates\wizard\wxwidgets\wxfb\frame\WxWizFrame.fbp will be overwritten.

Then it creates a project, where this files are also in a project tree with the whole path, where my CB is located (D:\Soft\SDKs\CB... and so on) but the project is located in D:\MyProjects\wxWidgets\ProjName dir.

Offline oBFusCATed

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MasterAlexei: Please try the nightly build and report if the problem is still there.
(most of the time I ignore long posts)
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Offline Radek

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I am also using wxFB but in Debian and I've never seen the problem. Well, Windows Code Blocks seems to patch the project wizard for some reason. This need not obstacle, you will place the *fbp and wxFB output files where you want, patched wizards or not. Cleansing the project tree is a little nuisance but you do it only once per project. Try creating another "wxFB project" (with patched wizards) for a test and see whether Code Blocks will try to path again or whether the strange patching is over. In the later case, the problem can be ignored most likely.

Offline MasterAlexei

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Hello there again.

I did compile a last revision today (8388) with wx2.8.10 and created a new wxWidgets project with the wizard.
the behavior, that it does not copies the files to the project folder but uses them from the template folder is still here, and also it overwrites them in that template folder.

Best wishes,
