User forums > Using Code::Blocks

CodeBlocks, VC-Tools2003 and SDL

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Ok, I said I will give it another try and guess what: finally it worked!! I feel, like I'm not too stupid after all  ;)

In the end, it's no big deal - if you use MinGW. Like I guessed before, you have to add "lib" and "include" dirs to "linker dirs" and "compiler dirs" in the project's build options. One other problem emerged, when I encountered this failure: "undefined reference to `WinMain@16". I found out "-lmingw32" was missing in the "linker options", which look now this way:


I wonder why minggw32 must be added by hand - I used a setup for windows console after all, when starting a codeblocks project. Is this only needed in certain projects?

However - now it is working and I enjoy the sweet IDE  :)
Thanks for the help and good work!


How did you create that project? Can you post a step by step guide into reproducing this issue?

If you can reproduce the problem, please report the bug in Sourceforge: "Project blablah misses library" or something.

I success to build an SDL application with Toolkit 2003, but i have lot of link errors when i am trying to use STL map container. SDL.lib is multithreaded library and i can't link msvcrt.lib (from .Net SDK 1.1) witth an application using maps. Someone has an idea ?


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