Author Topic: how to use the "watches" to see a list inside a list(debugging question)  (Read 2789 times)

Offline yuvadius

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ok so i have just moved from the visual studio ide to the code blocks ide.
now when i debug and try to watch my list inside a list or some other list in the hierarchy except for the base list,
i can not see the values of the inner lists only the first base list apears to show the values correctlly.
lets say i have a list inside a list inside a list.
the first list shows the name of the next list, but the next list shows this "<std::_list_base_<int,std::allocator<int> > >" .
so why doesn't the list simply show the list that it contains?
i am actually using in my program a tree but i figured that lists would be easier to explain.

Offline oBFusCATed

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Try installing a recent nightly build, python enabled gdb and stl pretty printers for gdb.

For details on each topic search the forum as all the 3 topics have been discussed already.
(most of the time I ignore long posts)
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Offline yuvadius

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hmmm i dont quite understand what you are saying