I have just installed this program Code Blocks and I don't know how to start.
I have tried typing into the Script Console both a line from C and C++ because I don't know what language to use or how to program at all but both come up with an error expression expected so I don't know what to do.
The very first time that I installed this program, a list of what I guess were compilers came up and I chose something called miniC(I think). Maybe that was a mistake but I cannot get back to that list anywhere no matter how many times I uninstall and reinstall the program so I must be stuck on something. It says that it is called GNU GCC which I thought was supposed to be able to take a few different languages including C and C++. I just wanted to start with C because I have a book for it.
Can someone please show me anything on the menus of this program so that I can have Script Console that works with C?
Thank you very much.