I am trying to compile a project in Code::Blocks IDE.
I am new to it.
I was expecting some output window with errors and warnings log. Instead I don't see anything, but just a red rectangle on one of the sourcej files,
on the left side of the line including the text: #include "somefile.h"
What is the problem? I have set in the projects properites the additional search pathes correctly, and still getting this strange red small rectangle.
Does that rectangle mean that the compiler can't find the include file? How to correctly set the search pathes for include files?
And can the IDE at least show some explanation of the red rectangle?
Thank you.
I have tried to make intentional syntax error in another program which is correctly builded and run.
The IDE shows the red rectangle without any error messages. If I perform BUILD (ctrl-F9) operation it doesn't say that operation was successful.
What is a problem?