I just signed up for this thing.
If 1 or more respondents ( maybe you) return a paragraph or two on this I would be pretty helpful.
I am new to linux but have written a sizable g++ program entirely in linux with no requirement to port it to anything else. My debian says:
Linux cipher 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Thu Nov 3 04:23:54 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux
IThe program is just inflitrated with debugging stuff, anf further progress implies a IDE badly. I am a old guy though, and I know this broken glass to get this far: is required. So, ok I thought "Eclipse" but I think codeblocks is probably more to the point.
There is no Qx) Questions, this is just more like tell me if I'm right or wrong, plus or minus some realities. So I thing this is reasonable.
*) add the few 'where to look' lines and use apt-get to get the non debug version of the ide. for 32 bit linux. I'm pretty sure my wx widgets is intact, if not i will figure that out.
*) Make a teeny test program using few libraries.
*) Make a less teeny program using open GL libraries.
*) My compile lines throws in the kitchen sink, so what! I will clean it p as I need to. As the only guy writing the program, now clarity to others is not too important.
g++ -w -Wall -o epg textOut.cpp jumpInMan.cpp timeKeeper.cpp testOnly.cpp visualFx.cpp redisplayers.cpp outsideWorld.cpp x11ogl.cpp scrapPaper.cpp helpers.cpp pngHelper.cpp parser.cpp main.cpp -lplibpu -lplibpuaux -lplibfnt -lplibul -lX11 -lXmu -lGL -lglut -lplibpw -lpng -lm -lplibsg -lGLU -lGL -lSM -lICE -lXi -lXext -lm -ldl -lpthread
*) Sort of phase in using Code Blocks as I go, maybe assuming 1/hr a day with it until I get it.
The app uses Open GL and many packages, its medium big, pretty bland g++.
Any suggestions?
I know most people just try things and get stuck and ask for help after its mangled some this is sort of sub optimum. I have only ever tried the compiler options to add in debug stuff once it seemed to work perfectly. An example of a fear is that the app with that which must be added in, will blow up with segementation faults or some other deep evil. -OR- the IDE won't like my compile line, and I will have to stop and learn makefiles. Never of these is so bad, but if forewarned it would be usefulll.
thanks I will look back in this thing 1 or 2 a day.
Thanks for reading this far, for one thing.
Just pointing me to urls or cut and paste etc cis fine. I mean I dearly appreciate the help, however its manifested.