Thank you for replying.
I'm using an Atmel AT91SAM7S256 chip, it's an ARM7 chip with 256K bytes of flash
and 64K bytes of RAM.
The CodeSourcery lite package contains gcc, binutils, gdb, a simulator among other things.
I've built a simple example that calculates factorials and I used the simulator and gdb
to run it.
The chip is on a board from Olimex, it's a SAM7-P256 board. I'm going to use a tool
with JTAG which supports the gdb remote protocol, so that I'll be able to use gdb.
I was struggling with the ARM-USB-OCD JTAG adapter which works with OpenOCD, so
I'll give the Segger J-Link JTAG adapter a try, when it arrives.
Given that I can now use gdb with the simulator to run code that I've built, the next
step is to build a simple example at the command line and run it on actual hardware.
I have example code to study from Atmel. If that goes well, then I hope to get things
working with CodeBlocks.