Author Topic: Plugin/Option for navigation without spaces/tabs problem (like in Dos Navigator)  (Read 7907 times)

Offline wab

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I'm writing for ask programmers of possibility implement editor mode of navigation by cursor on every places, even if there is any letters or spaces. I'm programmer for 20 years, and never meet better text editor than Dos Navigator or Necromancer Dos Navigator. In most cases, remembering if I put some add spaces or not is not important, DN always remove spaces when saving file. And I never care if have a long lines, and cursor jump to beginnig of empty line hiding code I'm just reading.

It should be a mode, another possibility rather than only option, because it have obviousness disadventages.

I know it can be hard or easy to implement it, depending on inside structure of editor, which I don't know.
So, I'm ask here if anybody thought about this navigation mode "without spaces problem" ?

Offline Jenna

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I'm not sure, I understood correctly what you want.
Do you want to be able to move the caret at any position in the editor, even after the end of a line ?

If yes, this is possible with recent versions.
Just enable "Settings -> Editor -> Margins and caret -> Selections -> Enable virtual space" .

Offline wab

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TA - DA  :D

Very Thanks jens

It's just what I'm looking for !

Nice to know this option, after a year of using CB :-)