I've dicovered 2 minor issues with the plugin:
1.) I've added a TreeCtrl to my wxSmith based application and suddenly I couldn't compile anymore. After some search I figured out (very strange?!) that if I add a treecontrol with the name "trcComposition" wxSmith adds the following entry to the CPP-file:
trcComwxDefaultPositionition = new wxTreeCtrl(this,ID_TRC_COMPOSITION,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,0);
Where does the "wxDefaultPosition" come from in the control's name?
I just renamed it in the source code but it's written every time again when I change something on the GUI in wxSmith.
BTW: This happens only if I choose "trcComposition" as name. So if I rename it it works, but I don't know another word for "Composition"... :lol:
2.) I've added a wxNotebook with two wxPanels to te GUI. Then I added a wxTextCtrl to the first panel (which worked). Then I wanted to add a wxTextCtrl to the second wxPanel as well, but wxSmith puts it on the same level as the wxNotebook is in the project. So it's not within the seconbd panel. Strange is that within the wxs file it seems to be at the correct postion...?!
Thanks for any help in advance.