Author Topic: Compile Code::Blocks from SVN under ubuntu (for newbie): experience feed back  (Read 34735 times)

Offline BentFX

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Re: Compile Code::Blocks from SVN under ubuntu (for newbie): experience feed back
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2011, 06:42:06 pm »
The solution is on "buggy/broken" distros you have to run ldconfig after you run make install. Simple as that...
What other solution do you want from us?
None! It has it's place, and for what it does there isn't really another workaround. But it is very system specific and just saying "run ldconfig" without asking a few questions first is not the proper approach.

I don't fully understand how ldconfig can break things, because I've only dealt with it on a system that is built around it. As for its relinking??? Not really sure what the impact of that is. As long as the lib still loads I'm kind of oblivious.

Anyhow, I'm sorry for being a mouthy whatchacallit. Just please don't treat me like I'm stupid. A little gentle direction and room to stumble is all I need.

And yes, in many ways we have gotten strongly off topic.
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