Author Topic: Integrating VHDL compiler with Code::Blocks  (Read 8646 times)

Offline ahmed.shahein

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Integrating VHDL compiler with Code::Blocks
« on: October 06, 2011, 12:29:59 pm »
Dear All,

I am using Code:Blocks since a while to compile cpp and SystemC codes as well. However, recently I would like to compile VHDL codes within Code::Blocks as well, in order to have a complete design environment. I had VHDL compiler on Ubuntu, ghdl.

How can I add ghdl compiler to the compilers list of CBs?

In waiting for your support.


Offline danselmi

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Re: Integrating VHDL compiler with Code::Blocks
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 01:28:39 pm »

I do a lot VHDL at work.

What I use mostly are the following Tools+ entries:
##Tools Plus Plugin (v0.6) Command Export##
name:Compile VHDL file VHDL93 (ModelSim)
command line:C:\Modeltech\win32xoem\vcom -93 -explicit $file
menu string:Simulation/Compile file VHDL93 (ModelSim)
menu priority:100
context menu string:Simulation/Compile file VHDL93 (ModelSim)
context menu priority:100
mode (W,C,):W
name:Sim (ModelSim)
command line:C:\Modeltech\win32xoem\vsim $fname
menu string:Simulation/Simulate entity (ModelSim)
menu priority:100
context menu string:Simulation/Simulate entity (ModelSim)
context menu priority:100
mode (W,C,):
The drawback, the name of the entity to simulate (the testbench) must match the filename.

The other possibility: GHDL is able to generate makefiles which are easy to use from within codeblocks.

regards danselmi

Offline ahmed.shahein

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Re: Integrating VHDL compiler with Code::Blocks
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 06:21:28 pm »
Thanks for your reply.

I am already using makefile but form the command line. The issue now that I am having bigger designs, i.e. 10's of VHDL files. Therefore, I was looking forward to have all of them in a signal project entry and to compile and debug them as well.

I have ghdl installed. Do you how to integrate it with Code::Blocks?
