Hello, I'm trying to have a tool that calls avrdude to send the program to the board.
The command parameters I have: -p m328p -c arduino -P /dev/ttyACM0 -U flash:w:${TARGET_OUTPUT_BASENAME}.elf.hex
Is there a macro for the microcontroller? - to have instead of m328p.
Anyway, I already have the tool defined, but I'm having a problem with permissions.
When I call the tool, it tells me that I don't have permissions. Ok, I used to execute this as root in the terminal, but I'm not sure how do I do that here.
I've also tried to add permissions: chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM0 and it works, but when I turn off the board and reconnect it, the permissions I set are lost! I think this is probably how linux works...
any ideas?