Hello world,
i am new in programmation (and in code::block); when i debugg, i want to see the contents of the vectors.
I have seen that in this forum there is already one subject (
http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php/topic,10667.msg73032.html#msg73032 )
but i don't understand it, because:
- my english is poor and in this subject the number of developpement are very long and i don't understand that is important.
Can you resume please for me the different step to can see the content of vector<double> , vector<int>, vector<string> ...
thanks a lot!
ps: in debugg mode, I do not know how to look at the contents of variables: i clikck right on variable and i do :
and in the debugg windows i obtain this: MyVariable=No symbol "myVariable" in current context