Uh I forgot how to do the public / private key stuff
Any reminders? The Berlios instructions are for unix
I assume we 're talking about windows here, using TortoiseSVN.
Create a SSH2 key pair using PuttyGen (or use the same you had for SF). After it is generated, save it and copy the text in the "Key" window.
Login to shell.berlios.de.
Type the following:
mkdir .ssh
vi .ssh/authorized_keys
While in vi, paste the text you copied from PuttyGen using the mouse (right click).
Press "Esc", type ":wq" and hit "Enter".
That's it.
I suggest you have Pageant running in the background. When you want to develop for C::B, right click on the Pageant systray icon, click "Add key" to add your previously generated key. If you 've setup a keyphrase for your key, you will be asked about it. From that time onwards (until you logoff/reboot), no ssh-aware program will ask you for a password again