Author Topic: Is there a plugin which can find line number from crash address in c::b?  (Read 4366 times)

Offline huzhongshan

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I debug a dll with -O2 -g compiled , it crashed. I can get the crash address . Is there any plugin ( addr2line UI ) to find the line number .

BTW  I find that although I add -g , but I cannot find the line number by using addr2line.

Offline MortenMacFly

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...searching the forum for "addr2line UI" would have revealed this:,13129.0.html

Please respect our forum rules and search before you post.
Compiler logging: Settings->Compiler & Debugger->tab "Other"->Compiler logging="Full command line"
C::B Manual:

Offline huzhongshan

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any binary distributions? Cannot compile the source because lack of wxwidgets knowledge.

Offline Manolo

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The way I do:
Instead of "run" your app, "start" it (debugger menu). When app crash, the debugger (I use gdb) breaks and show some error (like a non desired signal). Don't pulse any stop-button. Open the "call stack debugging window" and there you can see where it crashed.

If you use MinGW, perhaps this is what you are asking for.
