I am new, I am here. I'm currently switching from several years of Win-specific dev to cross-platform one (knowing I'm a Linux user - Ubuntu/Fedora -, but totally not a Mac OSX one - hoping I'll succeed to target it nevertheless). So, last weeks, I've tested Qt w/ Qt Creator (don't like this IDE spirit), Ultimate++ (lack of Mac and a little bit shorter for big projects) and wxWidgets/Code::Blocks.
I've finally decided to adopt C::B/wxSmith/GCC/wxWidgets
Because of its (this IDE/lib pair) wide of targets, its community, extensivity and opening of Code::Blocks, because of the fact wxWidgets relays on platforms native GUI layers, and because of LGPL license of this lib (really smart for an independent).
My main dev station is under Windows with Linux/OSX in VMware machines. My firstname is Eric