OK, been a programmer since mainframes ran on steam, know nearly nothing about new-fangled PC technology but interested in learning. Have a project I'd like to program, a microcontroller based encoder for a radio control transmitter for model aircraft. I bought an stm32f4 discovery board because I was blown away by the list of features (most of which I didn't understand, but there was certainly a lot of them) but mostly for the numerous ADC inputs, and existing code (for Arduino, but presumably nearly the same for any C/C++ based machine) for generating a PPM signal that can be passed to a 2.4GHz transmitter module.The one I am looking it is the Frsky module set. And of course the price. I paid aud25 for mine. How can you go wrong at that price? I also bought a Chipkit max32 before I discovered the stm and have been happily making leds blink on it using the mpide. Pretty naf looking ide to me, but what do I know?
Haven't yet been able to discover if I can program the stm32f4 with code blocks, there seems to be more to C++ than meets the eye (not like when I were't lad, and Cobol was king). I'm hoping I just need to add some libraries somewhere and everything will work. Don't really fancy the idea of installing a "tool chain" (whatever that is) or Eclipse and other various and sundry parts. I like the KISS principle.
Anyway looking forward to lots of good advice from the gurus here, and reporting my success to the forum!