I am here. Other than a small bit of coding in basic back in the late 1980s, I have no coding experience prior to October of 2019. At that point, I decided I'd like to try writing my own computer game (in a "Roguelike" format), so I learned C++ from a free online tutoring site. In about late January, I was able to get started. I have the beginning parts to a game created in C++ through Visual Studio in Windows. However, I recently had the chance to create a Linux computer and play around with it, which I am finding I really enjoy.
I have the basics of Linux down, so what I really want to do is transfer the code I've created in Visual Studio to a solid IDE in Linux. I've researched that a bit, and like Code::Blocks. Still, I'm JUST getting used to how it works, so I'm hoping I'll find the help I need here both to get started get the little program I've written in Visual Studio transferred over to Linux.
Looking forward to working with the community!