I am new, I am here. . and a big and sincere Thank You! to the Code::Blocks team, your product is awesome. Having used Visual Studio for years I can appreciate the simplicity and small overhead.
One suggestion if I may: There are hundreds of Windows users who would love to adopt your product or use it regularly (including kids in schools), and a new release would help greatly towards that. All the arguments and rationale on other threads about the convenience or advantage of using nightlies are valid, but please keep in mind that this is about perception. Manually patching up the product may work and be efficient, and practical, etc. No arguments there, but again in general, applying nightly fixes is perceived as a temporary solution. Those who've used Windows for a few years are familiar with patches and hotfixes, and remember that many of those are (or used to be) periodically released as a Service Pack, or Rollup Update, if not an entirely new version. Once again there's no technical argument, this is only subjective, a friendly suggestion that the lack of a new release after more than 2 years may slowly begin to affect the perception of the product.
Thank you.